
Christianity: Understanding Bible

Understanding Bible

I really have difficulty understand Helium's many article titles like how well we understand the Bible or understand Salvation or understand Trinity. May be it is because of my poor English that hinders my understanding to understand these understanding titles.

Bible is the word of God who is omnipotent, omnipresence and transcendental. God is not for us human to learn through experience or reason. He is above human knowledge and can not be understood by study or intuition. By understanding, we are capable of knowing the logic behind, the meaning of, and nature of certain thing. If only God could be learnt and understood, salvation could then be to all when we wipe out illiteracy.

And it is exactly the reason we can not understand God, Bible writers had to rely on the anthropomorphism writing to depict God. When the psalmist says God stretched His hand out, we read as if God has hands. But John 4:24 says God is Spirit and Spirit has no hand. So what the Bible says is not God stretch his hand out but God will help.

God never commends any one because of his understanding. He is pleased with Abraham because of his faith, with David because of his love, with Paul because of his repentance. In fact God questions the wise man, scholar, and philosopher in 1 Corinthians 1:20. Knowledge and understanding makes people puff-up but faith, love and repentance humble us before Him.

In Bible study, our attitude should really be on faith not understanding. It is us being a small child who knows not much of our parents but submit and obey them. If out parents forbid us to play with fire, we should even though we can not understand why. We may not know why we should not light the matches which give a lot of fun. We simply listen to our parents. We do not understand why we should go to school every day which is so boring. We simply do it because we are told to.

Do we really have to understand why a black cow who chews the green grass and deliver white milk? No, we simply drink it without having to understand the black that mix with green to become white. Likewise, do we really have to understand Bible to believe in God? No too, we read it and believe in it, have faith in God and live a life accordingly.

I say all this because we simply can not understand him. Do not lock God all mighty in our small brain of understanding, please. God is beyond our understanding. John 3:16, ".......................that who ever believes in Him.......", just believe.

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