

Parables – interpretation of

The modern day Biblical interpretation of the parables have shaken off the old allegorical approach and render to a striking change of a single theme search approach. Today, most scholars would agree that there are 4 significant steps in proper Parables interpretation.

First and foremost is to seek the one main point of the parable teaching. Do not read the Parable as to investigating the details and the abstract. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the single main point in this parable is to answer the question raised by the man to Jesus of who is my neighbor. Jesus answered him the question in the parable.

Obviously the neighbor in Jesus parable is one who helps the sufferer and the needy. It is irrelevant to know what is Jerusalem, Jericho or Samaritan. The theme of Jesus’ teaching is that we all are the neighbors of the poor and the sick.

Second, is to seek and understand the Sitz im Leben or the application of the Parables to the situation. This is important as it helps us to apply the parables teaching to our own situation in life today.

Samaritan today may mean kind, loving and merciful. But in the original Biblical setting, Samaritan had a totally different meaning. It means something in the opposite to our understanding today. The Jew despised the Samaritan and cursed them for intermarried with gentiles.

Third is to seek to know how the writer interpreted the Parable. In the same Parable, Luke was trying to demonstrate the love and grace of God toward the unfortunate ones in the society. He was also emphasizing the fact that love is not only saying but to show the generosity in giving too.

Love and grace also come not only from the church, charity organization or Governmental agencies. Any one should give a helpful hand to the needy when the situation requires. Even the outcast Samaritan can reflect God’s love and mercy. Christian should do even more.

Forth is the application of the Parable to our present day society. The essence of parable from an allegory is the challenge of the teaching to life. Certainly the Parables of the Samaritan teach us to love our neighbor and that this love is to be unconditional and unqualified.

We should, therefore, understand the theme teaching of the Parables in the real world of the historical Jesus, apply them to our circumstances today, and challenge for a life change. This is what Jesus did when He shared the parables to His disciples.

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